National hui focuses on achieving equity

Hui attendees.
Hui attendees.
In August, the National Screening Unit held a two-day hui and workshop to look at ways to achieve equity in the breast and cervical screening programmes for Māori, Pacific and Asian women.

With 190 attendees, the event offered a welcome opportunity to reconnect and update breast and cervical screening providers on a number of changes to the programmes and Ministry of Health.

While screening rates are just below the 80 per cent target for cervical screening and just above the 70 per cent target for breast screening nationwide, we are still not achieving equitable access and outcomes for Māori, Pacific and Asian women nationally.. The hui provided a platform to discuss a shared direction and actions to remedy inequities, and gave providers a forum in which to share their success stories.

The Ministry of Health and sector are working together to try to reduce the equity gap by:

  • providing free smears to priority women
  • contracting support for screening providers to deliver individually tailored and practical support, such as transporting and accompanying women to screening appointments
  • developing a new website with plain English information for women on the breast and cervical screening programmes, to be supported by a Facebook page and refreshed posters and brochures.

The highlight was the opportunity for everyone to meet face to face, to build and strengthen relationships. Based on the feedback, these events will be held more regularly in the future.

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Page last updated: 04 October 2016