HPV immunisation history: why is this important?

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HPV immunisation status should be recorded.
The National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) is able to record a woman’s HPV immunisation history on the NCSP Register.

This may be useful in:

  • assisting clinicians to interpret a patient’s HPV test results
  • reminding immunised women of their need to continue with cervical screening
  • helping the NCSP to begin to assess the effectiveness of the dual approach to prevention of cervical cancer (screening plus immunisation).

Therefore, it would be useful if the HPV immunisation status, where known, could be noted on the laboratory request form whenever a woman attends for a cervical smear. When doing so, please let your patient know that her HPV immunisation status will be added to her Register record (unless she has withdrawn from the programme).

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Page last updated: 26 February 2014